Franchising | Franchise Opportunities | Chicken Restaurant Franchising | Cowboy Chicken Franchising - Cowboy Chicken


own a cowboy chicken

Finally, a franchise opportunity to get fired up about.In today’s market, the opportunity to open a Cowboy Chicken restaurant franchise couldn’t be better. If you’re an experienced restaurant operator interested in developing a concept that has withstood the test of time, this is for you. With over 40 years of brand success, Cowboy Chicken is one of the most beloved and popular brands in Dallas, TX and is seeking qualified restaurant developers and operators in select markets throughout the United States.>Submit an inquiry

40 Years of Brand Success

When Cowboy Chicken opened its 1st restaurant in Dallas, Texas in 1981, Phil Sanders had one goal in mind: making people happy with his flavorful and delicious wood fired rotisserie chicken. He knew that once people tasted Cowboy Chicken’s wood fired chicken and fresh home-made sides, that they would be hooked. Now more than ever, restaurant customers are looking for a healthy value without sacrificing selection and convenience. Our ability to meet current consumer trends has placed Cowboy Chicken among the top performing restaurant companies in the fast casual restaurant franchise segment.


At Cowboy Chicken we know that success requires more than just delicious chicken. To really achieve smart growth and take our chicken to customers everywhere, franchising was the logical choice. We have developed easy-to-execute operational systems focused on uncompromising quality at every turn – from ingredients to customer service – ensuring that consumers have a spectacular experience each and every time. After 40 years, Cowboy Chicken still delivers on customer expectations with each delicious bite.


Healthy, fresh, delicious and affordable menu options for lunch and dinner. Cowboy Chicken offers twice the dining opportunity of most casual dining restaurants. When combined with take-out, catering and delivery, Cowboy Chicken’s popularity is poised to grow.


A man trusts the things he knows are tried and true. His friends, his horse and the food on his plate. They’re as real as the fire that transforms simple ingredients into unforgettable flavors. Our recipes have stood the test of time and remained bold, simple and natural. Everything from our main courses to our made-from-scratch sides. So when you step into Cowboy Chicken, what you and your family experience is uncompromising hospitality. And what you taste, is integrity tested by fire.

our franchise process


Submit Franchise Inquiry


Schedule Introductory Meeting


Submit Application For Approval


Franchise Disclosure Document


Sign Franchise Agreement


Welcome to our Family. Giddy-up!

Additional information on franchising opportunities with Cowboy Chicken can be found in our Franchise Brochure, including details on franchise fees, initial investment, franchise support and more.

Candidates must meet these criteria to gain consideration for a Cowboy Chicken franchise:

  • 5 years+ experience as restaurant operator
  • Liquid assets minimum of $600,000
  • Net worth minimum of $1,200, 000
  • Ability and resources to complete your development schedule
  • Real estate experience in the market to be developed
  • Passion to build the Cowboy Chicken brand